Winzest consulting undertakes independent board evaluations to help boards to improve their effectiveness in order to consistently achieve better outcomes for key stakeholders particularly to foster long-term organisational success.

Independent and robust board evaluations enable boards to obtain greater clarity on their performance and where appropriate to reinforce and/or build on the findings arising from previous internal board reviews.

Effective board evaluations should provide boards with regular assurance that their structure, composition, culture, governance arrangements, practices and processes remain fit for the future and should provide an effective action plan for further board development. Effective board evaluations should be dynamic and responsive to the changing circumstances of the organisation.

We help organisations to utilise board evaluations in a meaningful way in order to strengthen their board performance. Our approach to board evaluation is tailored to the organisational needs, objectives and circumstances and seeks to provide real actionable insights. We adopt a positive approach that enables boards to obtain fresh perspectives (informed by candid and valuable information) underpinned by greater objectivity and the rigour of the board evaluation process.