The MAKE Better Customer Outcomes framework consists of the following key principles:
- Make the right promises
- Avoid empty promises
- Keep your promises
- Embrace broken promises
A key goal of effective delivery of the right customer promises is to develop and reinforce relationships with the firm’s customers. Keeping the right promises is crucial and critical to building and enhancing mutually beneficial and sustainable long-term relationships with customers.
Keeping your promises to help customers address their current issues of concern can nurture a deeper relationship and the opportunity for more revenue-generating opportunities in the future.
Effective delivery of the right promises to customers should not only foster a customer’s intention to repurchase and recommend a firm at some point. It should also be an opportunity to provide the platform to better meet their needs in the future.
Delivering on a firm’s promises consistently trains its customers to expect the same experience again. This not only sets a high bar for the firm to maintain, but also a challenging threshold for the firm’s competitors to attain. A promise satisfactorily fulfilled becomes the norm going forward.